Wilma Bayer & Sabine Zorell

Wilma Bayer & Sabine Zorell

Press Organization Managers
Together 50 years at Messe Friedrichshafen
Exhibition venue: Press Center West

They are often considered the toughest doors in Southern Germany: Wilma and Sabine. Every journalist must pass them if they wish to attend the fairs as accredited media representatives. Together, they are a dream team that has mastered press organization in the central communications department for 20 years. This includes maintaining contact with journalists, editing, press dispatch, invoicing, accreditations, organizing press events, managing the press center during ongoing fairs, and much more… What don’t they do?

“You practically need a jack-of-all-trades,” laughs Wilma. She has been with the fair for 19 years and is an indispensable part of the department. “You deal with so many new people every day – even internationally – and that definitely makes the job special,” she says. She is especially known for her creative streak, with which she designs all the press events, sets, and blogger areas. From on-site organization to external events in Frankfurt or Hamburg: Wherever a press center needs to be created, Wilma is in her element. And most of the time, she moves at lightning speed.   

While Wilma whizzes across the grounds with the technical department on speed dial, Sabine is the expert at the desk. She has been with Messe Friedrichshafen for 31 years and has a seemingly endless well of stories to draw from. Back when smoking was still allowed in the office. When a journalist once stripped in front of the administration building. When radio reports were still cut manually at the tables in the press center, using giant cassette tapes. When an Italian journalist once stood before her, seeking help with her broken heel. The list could go on forever. She strategically plans mailings, distribution lists, and schedules, maintains the online press area, and is the contact person for press inquiries. Always with a smile and a Swabian phrase on her lips. 

Both are deeply service-oriented, ensuring that media representatives feel well taken care of. “If someone needs something, we try to make it happen,” they explain. The perfect place for this is the Press Center West. With its glass front, it offers the ideal view of the main entrance and the fair's lake.

Whether it's a last-minute parking permit, high-resolution press photos, or information about the ongoing event: Here, you’ll be helped with snacks, coffee, and the genuine warmth of the press duo. “I’ve made it a sport to be able to address every media professional by name,” says Sabine, laughing about her legendary memory. “That’s actually really important,” Wilma adds. “No matter which fair: We are the familiar faces, the first point of contact for journalists.” During large events, the press center buzzes, and things can get stressful. “That’s what gives it its unique atmosphere, this meet & greet. You know that here’s where people meet, exchange ideas, but also find a quiet spot to work,” Wilma describes.

However, if someone tries to sneak into the press area, the fun stops. “That’s the biggest challenge: You want to reserve the on-site service for real journalists, which means we have to check thoroughly – and that’s sometimes not so easy,” Sabine explains. When asked about their wildest story, they immediately have an answer:  A supposed journalist who sneaked in with a fake ID (and a good dose of charm), not even being a journalist at all. Through detective skills, checking fee lists, and a final confrontation, the culprit was uncovered and promptly shown the door by Sabine. These things happen.

“The fair has always been a pillar for me, it’s always been a good feeling,” says Sabine, adding: “I feel as at home in the press center as I do in my own living room.” This stability and security that her work here provides radiates from Sabine. “I know I can rely on her 100%,” says Wilma about Sabine. Sabine, in turn, admires Wilma’s endless creativity and imagination. They complement each other well and agree: They wouldn’t have been able to do this job so happily for so long if it weren’t so diverse and if they didn’t get along so well.